目前分類:English diary (2)

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        昨晚一通電話,原來是Jim,改換英文交談,無奈我的破英文也只能說聽的懂他的意思,要表達我的意見也只能用淺顯來回覆,如果要解釋,我說了他聽不懂的話,只好說:ok, I send e-mail to you. 真的還蠻糗的. 比如他說下週找個時間討論工作,我說:ok, but next week, I will some busy(後來想想I have a little busy比較恰當), because Theresa will come in to Taiwan, she is our lawer. and Europe VP Wim will come in to Taiwan too.但是他都聽不懂我在說誰, 只好說我再mail給他.

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We had a vacation at the end of last month, Club Med Bali. Club med is located in the east of Bali, it has a beautiful beach and sunset.

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